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Our Partners

Our partners play a crucial role in aiding the Politics Society’s success, by providing valuable resources, expertise, collaboration opportunities, and widening our reach. Through these partnerships, the society can innovate more effectively, and improve our offerings, from our events and trips to our first class-mentorship program. We hope to expand and deepen our relationships with our current partners, and to create new partnerships where possible.

Sky Group
Sky is an invaluable partner to the Politics Society. They offer the most accessible Wi-Fi deals available to Students, energising and connecting student life as a result. Through this partnership, we are able to inject our events and products with a calibre we would otherwise struggle to match.
Roar News
Roar News has been along standing partner, collaborator, and friend to the Politics Society. In reporting about our events, offering live streams and shared platforms Roar are an invaluable asset to the King's community and the Politics Society.
London Student Network
As the principle founding member of the London Student Network, the Politics Society is committed to pushing our opportunities as far across the city as possible. Politics should be for everyone, and LSN is the vessel.